The Shadow Town of Canandaigua: Lenawee County, MichiganThe Shadow Town of Canandaigua: Lenawee County, MichiganOnly one old general store was left standing...and now it's torn down. See photos of the old store and info on the shadow town of Canandaigua!John RobinsonJohn Robinson
MICHIGAN GHOST TOWN: ‘Avery’ Lies Empty in Berrien CountyMICHIGAN GHOST TOWN: ‘Avery’ Lies Empty in Berrien CountyNo businesses remain in Avery; a few houses maybe, but everything else has disappeared. Here's the location...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Ghost Towns of Hautala Corner & North Ironwood, MichiganThe Ghost Towns of Hautala Corner & North Ironwood, MichiganThese two little Michigan ghost towns are less than a mile apart. See where to check 'em out...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Shadow Town of Hoytville, in Eaton CountyThe Shadow Town of Hoytville, in Eaton CountyEmpty except for a few homes and an old church, the old village of Hoytville still stands just south of Mulliken. Here are photos and info...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
MICHIGAN SHADOW TOWNS: Glendora & Hill’s Corners, Berrien CountyMICHIGAN SHADOW TOWNS: Glendora & Hill’s Corners, Berrien CountyThe shadow towns of Glendora and Hill's Corner sit side-by-side, so they make an easy roadtrip. Here are photos, info, and location...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
MICHIGAN GHOST TOWN: Fabius, in St. Joseph CountyMICHIGAN GHOST TOWN: Fabius, in St. Joseph CountyFabius coulda been fabulous, but when the railroad stopped, the community stopped. Here's the location...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Ghost Town of Otter Creek: Jackson County, MichiganThe Ghost Town of Otter Creek: Jackson County, MichiganThis little burg in Jackson County showed a little promise, then it just quietly faded away. See the location of this former community...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Ghost Town of Berryville: Jackson County, MichiganThe Ghost Town of Berryville: Jackson County, MichiganBerryville looked like it did OK in its day, but it no longer exists, even on most - if any - maps. See the location of this former village...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Shadow Town of Carlisle: Eaton County, MichiganThe Shadow Town of Carlisle: Eaton County, MichiganIf you wanna drive down a pothole-filled dirt road to visit this old Michigan town, take a vehicle with strong shocks. See where this old 1800s town exists!John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Ghost Town and Lone Church of Sherman City, MichiganThe Ghost Town and Lone Church of Sherman City, MichiganThis church is all that's left of a town once known as Sherman City. See photos, location, and history... John RobinsonJohn Robinson