Is Mercury in Retrograde and what does that even mean? Listen to your FREE horoscopes from Maria Shaw and have some fun figuring out your LIFE PATH number.
Maria Shaw is BACK with your horoscopes for the final week of August and to kick off September. Plus, get ready to see her live in September at the Lansing Comfort Inn.
Maria's got your astrological forecast for the week ahead. Plus it's Leo season and a good four weeks on the way for all the fire signs. Listen to your free horoscopes here.
Hear your FREE horoscopes for the weekend and the week ahead. The forecast says the weather is going to heat up and Maria says Saturday (June 5th) could be bad for us all. Find out why.
Hear your horoscopes for Memorial Day Weekend and the short work week afterwards. Plus what's happening on May 29th, Mercury Goes Retrograde until June, and when can you visit Maria in Midland?
Horoscopes w/90 Day Fiancé Psychic Maria Shaw. Listen as she tells you yours and watch as she chimes in on Travis and Kourtney. Spoiler alert, It's not a good forecast.