Want To See Adam Levine In Detroit? You’ll Have To Do Him A Tiny FavorWant To See Adam Levine In Detroit? You’ll Have To Do Him A Tiny FavorVenues are leaving it up to the artist to ask for a little "proof" to make sure everyone is safe and secure during their show. And some fans are asking for a refund. LargeLarge
I Swear I’m Vaccinated So Please Quit Staring At MeI Swear I’m Vaccinated So Please Quit Staring At MeDon't judge me because I'm not wearing a mask. Meanwhile, I'm judging other folks who aren't. I'm fully vaccinated and need you to trust me on that.LargeLarge
Flying In Country Is Much Easier Once You’re Fully VaccinatedFlying In Country Is Much Easier Once You’re Fully VaccinatedIf you've got both doses and waited 2 weeks, you're fully vaccinated and can skip a bunch of travel protocols per the CDC. LargeLarge