New NBC Show Set In Michigan City Gets Pilot OrderNew NBC Show Set In Michigan City Gets Pilot OrderGross Pointe, Michigan provides backdrop for murder and mischief in NBC's new show, Gross Pointe Garden Society.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Attention Xfinity Users! Michigan Hit with a Massive Data BreachAttention Xfinity Users! Michigan Hit with a Massive Data Breach Xfinity has announced a nationwide data breach that has affected customers here in Michigan.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Comcast Offering Free ‘Internet Essentials’ Package During CoronavirusComcast Offering Free ‘Internet Essentials’ Package During CoronavirusSomething that will definitely help with kids going to school online. AJAJ
Michigan Man Having Stroke Saved by Comcast Service RepMichigan Man Having Stroke Saved by Comcast Service RepHe has a lot to be thankful for, especially for a the actions of a stranger in Mississippi.Stefani BishopStefani Bishop