Vote Now In Our Gaga For Gaga Contest!
How gaga are you for Gaga? Are you her biggest Little Monster?
Show us how gaga you are for Gaga by dressing in your best Little Monster outfit, or try your best at replicating one of Mother Monster's!
Take a picture of yourself in your outfit and submit it via the form below. You can submit your photo entry from now until just before midnight on Halloween.
Then, November 1st we'll put it to a vote. YOU vote for who you think has the best Little Monster or Mother Monster outfit. The person with the most votes will receive a 4-pack of tickets to see Lady Gaga at Little Caesars Arena on Tuesday, November 7th. The runner up will receive a pair of tickets to see Lady Gaga.
Voting ends Thursday, Nov. 2 at 11:59 p.m.