Shiawassee Arts Center First Exhibit Opens
The Shiawassee Arts Center’s first exhibit of 2017, featuring the work of artists B. B. Winslow, Alan Friend and Angela Hamilton, offers a colorful reprieve from the winter gray! The exhibit, which opens February 7 and runs until March 12, is sponsored by Michael Flores. The public is welcome to attend the opening reception to enjoy good food and drinks with the artists on Sunday, February 12 from 2-4pm.
Bruce B. Winslow is the Director of the Alden B. Dow Museum of Science and Art of the Midland Center for the Arts and has spent 28 years at the center, as well as teaching art history, art, and design and jurying numerous exhibitions across the state. His show, entitled "Structured Atmospheres" includes multimedia abstract works which are colorful and immersive. His work has been described as creating “an environment of positivism”. Winslow reflects, “I experience great pleasure through the use of positive color which often transitions one hue to the next, no beginning or end...like breath into the air.”
Alan Friend, of East Lansing, has had a lifelong passion for photography. He has sat on the executive board of the St. Johns Camera club for several years and has received acceptance and honors from the Southwest Michigan Council of Camera Clubs competitions. Friend explains, “In producing my work, I look for how the lines in the picture interplay with the light and colors to produce a pleasing effect...It’s all about the moment.”
Angela Hamilton, of Grand Blanc, has pursued her love of art all her life, first leaving her career in business and advertising to start a freelance graphic arts business, and finally launching a career into fine art painting. Since then, she has received a Professional Development Mini-Grant for courses at the Flint Institute of Art and her work was included in the Flint Institute of Art 2013 Summer Catalog. Hamilton says, “I love to travel and be in the outdoors and I wish to communicate the beauties of what I see in Michigan and its people through my art.”
The Shiawassee Arts Center, located at 206 Curwood Castle Drive in Owosso, is open Monday through Friday, 12-5pm, Saturday and Sunday, 12-4pm. The Arts Center features the artwork of local and statewide artists in eight galleries including the Frieseke Gallery and a specialty Gift Shop. The public is welcome and there is no admission charge. SAC, which is celebrating its 45th anniversary in 2017, is a non-profit organization whose mission is to encourage participation and appreciation of the arts. For more information call the Arts Center at 989.723.8354 or visit www.shiawasseearts.org.