SEDP President/CEO Justin Horvath Named to MEDA Board
Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership (SEDP) President & CEO Justin Horvath recently received two professional development honors. He was appointed to serve on the Michigan Economic Developers Association (MEDA)’s Board of Directors. MEDA has been the leading voice of economic development in Michigan for over 50 years. Consisting of members who strive to build and retain business in Michigan, MEDA makes it possible for professionals to do their job more effectively and efficiently. For more information, visit their website at www.medaweb.org.
Horvath has also been awarded re-certification as a Certified Economic Developer (CEcD) by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), effective January 2017. He first received the designation in 2010, and has maintained it since through demanding requirements for continuing education and service to the profession. The CEcD is a highly recognized national honor that denotes a mastery of principal skills in economic development, professional attainment and a commitment to professional growth. The IEDC is a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization serving economic developers. With more than 4,500 members, it is the largest organization of its kind. Learn more about IEDC by visiting www.iedconline.org.