Are you looking to up your fashion game in the new year? Or maybe eyeing some killer accessories for that special person on your gift list? Well, you could get a jump start on that by winning the incredibly bold and unique Icon Active watch from Versace by entering our giveaway below.

What You Can Win

Versace Icon Active
The Icon Active from Versace is the coolest watch that meets the anticipation of an audience looking for something new and trendy. The Icon Active conveys an urban and sporty look with its transparency and color. Absolutely and exquisitely iconic, design elements include the metal loop on the strap that recalls the Greek Key, a Medusa at 12H, and an internal Greek Key that can be seen from the curvature of the inner dial ring.

How to Play

Want to get in on this fantastic prize? Just get social with us. Following the links below earns you entries into this promotion. The more you like, share, follow, and subscribe, the more entries you get.

*This is a multi-market promotion. Promotion ends December 25, 2022. 

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