New Poll: We Added More Streaming Channels This Year
It was mostly due to the coronavirus and because people are stay home more, but 1 in 3 Americans have added streaming channels over the past month. This is according to a new poll on creditcards.com, where they found that streaming channel subscriptions rose significantly over March, April, and May.
The poll asked a variety of people and found that it wasn't just younger people that added channels as 43% of millennials, 33% of Gen-Xers and 18% of baby boomers added new channels over the last three months. I am in this boat as I have also added two streaming channels over the last three months, this was because I wanted to watch a show that was only available on a streaming channel. The poll didn't ask the reason for adding a streaming channel but boredom and/or wanting new entertainment could be the reason.
The poll also found that many people are also sharing accounts as 52% of people said they shared an account with someone outside of their households over the last 3 months. Millennial streamers are sharing the most as 63% said they shared at least one account, compared with 51% of Gen-Xers and 36% of baby boomers. Netflix is an easily channel to share as I have 3 others on my account and over 50% of people in the poll say that Netflix is the most shared channel of them all. See more about it here.
What about you have you added a streaming channel over the last 3 months? Are you sharing a streaming account with anyone? Tell us using our app and use the "CHAT" feature.

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