“Move Over” Enforcement Ramps Up Through Michigan
Make sure you are always driving slower and moving over when you see emergency vehicles on the highway because you will get a big ticket if you don't. The 'Move Over Law,' which has been around for most of the year, requires drivers to give a lane to emergency vehicles that are parked with their lights flashing. Drivers who are unable to move over a lane should be slowing down. If you are caught not doing this, you will be ticketed and may get points on your license and a $400 fine.
You want to make sure to do this not just because you could get points and a fine, but mostly due to safety. According to the State police and WILX, there have been 40 patrol cars that have been hit when parked on the side of the road. That is way too many especially since the numbers are only from March of 2018 to March of 2019. That's about 1 patrol car hit a week. To stop more patrol cars from being hit, there will be stricter enforcement of the law this summer, especially this weekend. So if you see some emergency vehicles on the side of the road, "Move Over"!