If you are into skiing, skating, and snow mobiles, there might not be a better place than Michigan. There comes a point that even the most die hard winter weather adventurer is ready to call for mercy. Winter can be longer Michigan than other places. Heck, sometimes we already have snow on the ground by now! It is hard enough to deal if you are single, but what if you have kids? They are stuck inside, with you, and don't even get us started on school closings. So which month is the most challenging?

In a new survey, parents say the most challenging month to get through every year is FEBRUARY. It is also the shortest month which might mean we are really going through it by then.


Detroit Area Walloped With Over A Foot Of Snow From Latest Winter Storm
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January and March tied for the second-worst. Michigan winters tend to be colder and more grey than most. Maybe that has something to do with it. By March, we are fed up with cold and snow and want to get out there on the lake. The biggest problem is the fact that it is freezing cold and the lake is still frozen.

We don't know why winter months are worse, besides the obvious. For parents, the struggle is real. You gotta make sure the kids dresses warm enough. We all have places to go and snow and ice make it harder getting around to activities in winter weather. We also have to contend that our kids and partners are stuck inside with us. The bills get more expensive too. Not paying the heat bill gives, "Netflix and chill," a whole new meaning!

It could also be the fact that once the holidays are over, it feels like there is nothing to do until St Pats. Some people are die hard green holiday partiers and other couldn't care less. There are not many of us that look forward to the back half of winter.

It is only October, but it is inevitable. To quote Game of Thrones, "Winter is coming." We can't stop it. We can wish you the best of luck getting though it though!

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