When we tell you that you could WIN CASH, UP TO $5000 - WE MEAN IT!

We give you three times a day to hear the code word, enter it online, and you can win cash just like Jose and Samantha.

8 - Jose Oviedo 5K WITL Lansing

Congratulations to Jose Oviedo of Lansing. He scored the big one. $5000!

And in the same week, have another!

16 - Samantha Cramer - 97.5 Now Lansing - 1000 (1)

Big money in Jackson this time going to Samantha Cramer with a cool $1000!

Keep listening. Keep writing down those keywords. Keep entering them online for your chance to WIN CASH, UP TO $5000.

Phase one of the winning ends this Friday, April 12th. We'll take a break and give you a chance to win some pretty cool trips to see some of your favorite artists!

Then we'll back so you can WIN CASH AGAIN early in May!

Good luck. WIN CASH! UP TO $5000!

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