Mid-Michigan Election Results
Some elections took place across Jackson, Eaton, Calhoun, and Livingston Counties yesterday and there are some interesting results.
First in Jackson County, a big win for Jackson Schools as their bond measure was passed as well as millage renewals for East Jackson and Columbia school districts. The only school measure to not pass, and very slightly, was the Northwest Community School Bond proposal. In addition, Pulaski Township, Liberty Township, and and Hanover Township also all passed millage bonds or proposals for their fire departments. To see all of the Jackson County Election results you can click here.
Next in Eaton County, the Portland Public schools passes their bonding proposal rather easily. There were a few school millage proposals in Calhoun County and most passed with the exceptions of Gull Lake and Climaxs Scott Schools which voted against a bond for the schools. To see the rest of the elections in Eaton, Calhoun, and Livingston you can check it out here.