Michigan State Moves Up The List of Party Schools
If you were wondering where Michigan State fell on the list of "Party Schools" in the US, just know they have climbed the list and are now in the Top 20.
The list of "Top Party Schools" is from the website niche.com, which makes various lists for students who are trying to find their college. The Top Party school are being ranked based on a few factors like, party scene on school campus, access to bars and restaurants, Greek Life, as well as the school's athletic grade (which leads to partying lol). Michigan State was #23 last year on the list and have now moved up 3 spots to be #20. Michigan State is also 2 spots ahead of U of M, so there is another reason to celebrate.
Top 5 Party Schools:
- 5. Florida State
- 4. Univ. of Iowa
- 3. Miami University
- 2. Univ. of Georgia
- 1. Tulane University
So maybe just a little more partying this school year and Michigan State will be in the Top 15 next year, right haha.
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