Michigan in View of Meteor Shower This Weekend
This weekend's weather is going to be mostly clear which will be perfect for the Lyrid meteor shower weekend. The Lyrid meteor shower will be visible on Saturday night / Sunday morning. If you are crazy about space, like me, or just want to maybe see something cool happening in the sky then this is for you as the visibility should be good enough to see as many as 20 fireballs an hour.
According to Accuweather, Michigan's visibility is among the best in the country, as most of the rest of the Midwest fall in the "fair" and "poor" visibility projections. NASA reports the annual Lyrid meteor shower has been observed for 2,700 years and you will be able to see the Lyrids "radiate" through the Summer Triangle, which is made up of three bright stars in the eastern sky.
According to Space.com, you should start to see the first of the three bright stars at 9 p.m. local daylight time, but by 4 a.m., it will have climbed to a point in the sky nearly overhead.To know when and where to look space.com has all of the details here.
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