If your Michigan roadtrip takes you into the Upper Peninsula, here's a suggestion:

There's a circle of highways that's a fun little romp for a couple of hours; you'll see many abandoned old mills, tons of old-time houses & buildings and small towns - some that may not appear on maps, not to mention beautiful countryside and some desolate, deserted surroundings. You'll see it all on this little circle of highways in the Keweenaw Peninsula.

Highway 41 will take you into Houghton; from there, cross the bridge into Hancock and get on Highway 26 heading east. This section will take you past the old Ahmeek Stamping Mill, the old Quincy Mine and other abandoned mills and buildings (SEE PHOTOS BELOW).

You'll go through the small towns of Ripley, Dollar Bay, Hubbell, Lake Linden and Osceola. When you get to Osceola, head west on Highway 203. You'll drive through miles of wilderness to the shores of Lake Michigan and down the Keweenaw Waterway, where you'll pass through historical Michigan sites and a couple of unmarked villages, go past the Lakeside Cemetery and back to Hancock.

There are plenty more things to see in the Keweenaw Peninsula (including the awesome, hidden TRUE ghost town of Mandan) and this little circular jaunt is just one guilty pleasure.

Check out the photos below to see exactly where this route is - along with pics of some of the abandoned buildings - and try to take the route if you head up that way.

ENJOY OUR STATE...there are SO many known & unknown things to see and do here!


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