Protecting the environment and its inhabitants has always been a priority in Michigan. The DNR is passionate about educating residents of the state about its conservation mission by compiling a list of those species we need to look out for.

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For only the seventh time in 50 years, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources has released a newly updated list of the state's threatened and endangered species. The new list brings the list total to 407 species by adding 58 new species and removing 36 others.

According to CBS Detroit, officials from the DNR say the threatened and endangered species list can help recover species.

"When people come together to collaborate on conservation, we can recover rare species," said DNR endangered species specialist Jennifer Kleitch. "For instance, trumpeter swans were just removed from Michigan's threatened and endangered species list. Their populations have grown as a result of significant conservation efforts by many partners over decades."

The updates to the list were made in conjunction with the Endangered Species Program of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Natural Features Inventory.

Notable additions include rusty-patched bumblebees, and American bumblebees along with three bat species: tri-colored, little brown, and long-eared. On a positive note, the trumpeter swan was removed from the but is still federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

"Many threatened and endangered species rely on high-quality natural areas that benefit all of us by providing clean water, clean air, and places for us to enjoy nature. When species are struggling, it can indicate declines in the functioning of those natural areas, which in turn can impact our quality of life," Kleitch told CBS Detroit.

You can view the newly updated list here. 

Michigan's Deadliest Animals & Critters

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10 Animals You Can’t Own As Pets In Michigan

Some people really want to have an exotic pet in their home, but very rarely is it a good idea. And if you are looking to add a wild animal to your family, check out this list of animals you can not own as pets in Michigan.

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To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call at (888) 426-4435 for advice.

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