Most of our all-time favorite soda pops had their own jingles:

COCA-COLA: “Things Go Better With Coke” - “I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing”
PEPSI COLA  “Come Alive! You're in the Pepsi Generation”
FAYGO: “Remember when you were a kid,
Well part of you still is
And that's why we make Faygo””
7Up: “Nothing does it like 7Up”
MUG ROOT BEER: “I Love my Mug!”
HIRES ROOT BEER: “Hires to ya!”
RC COLA: “Me and my RC” MOUNTAIN DEW: “Give me a Dew”
MELLO YELLO: “So good, so fast”

And many, many others, most forgettable. But whereas many of those soft drinks relied on cutesy jingles and ads to sell their slop, one soda pop did NOT have to come up with a poppy jingle: Vernors.

Vernors, created back in 1866 right here in Michigan, is one of the country's oldest soft drinks and is one of Michigan's best-loved. Where other pops had TV commercials filled with guys & girls cavorting in bathing suits, people doing death-defying stunts, cartoons, et cetera, Vernors never had to stoop that low. Their advertising practically invented itself: The unique taste, the historical value, and the “aged in wood” slogan.

Vernors has always been one-of-a-kind: in flavor, its legacy.....and it's no-nonsense approach to advertising.

IN CLOSING, there was an old radio blurb for Vernors, where someone came up with a song for Vernors, but no enduring jingle. You can listen to that HERE.
(You can tell by listening to this that someone tried...)

Vernors - No Jingle!


Kellogg's and Post Cereal Cartoon Mascots You May Have Forgotten

The Vernors Gnome

Sanders Chocolates

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