DISCLAIMER: There are some properties nearby that may look abandoned but they are privately owned and not to be trespassed on. The cemetery is public but be respectful of the structures you may see.

Mouth Cemetery is an historic cemetery located near the Michigan city of Montague. Named “mouth” because of its location near the mouth of the White River, the cemetery is the oldest one in Muskegon County, with about 300 graves. Many of the graves are of children – probably more children buried here than in many other graveyards.

The cemetery was created sometime between the mid-1830s and 1850. No one knows when the first burial took place. Records from 1848-1859 are missing and thought to be destroyed intentionally, due to financial records becoming impossible (illegal, maybe?) and proof of various burials had also been destroyed. Most of the 300 graves are from the 1800s.

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The oldest known grave is that of Sarah Jane Beatrice, who died on February 28, 1851. The the oldest buried person is Quis-Mo-Squa, believed to have lived from 1787 to December 12, 1897, living to be 110 years old.

The most popular grave is that of Captain William Robinson, the former White River lighthouse keeper from 1875 to 1919. He passed away one day before he was to retire.

And yeah, there are the usual paranormal rumors. One in particular says that if you sit in a seat named “Sadony's Chair” you will die exactly one year later. Legend says that exact thing happened to a teenage boy.

The cemetery is open to the public from dawn to dusk, with access from Sunset Lane, a dirt road behind the old Mouth elementary school.

There have been complaints of vandals and trespassers going onto neighboring private properties so if you do pay a visit, be respectful and don't ruin other people's experiences by vandalizing or littering.

Mouth Cemetery, Muskegon County


Forgotten Cemetery in Salem, Michigan

Bell Cemetery, Presque Isle County

Haunted Avondale Cemetery, Flint