WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

This particular gas station was built in 1928, finally opening on January 8, 1929.

It began life as the Ives & Vulkar gas station near the corner of Bradford Street and Lafayette Avenue in Grand Rapids. After selling out in 1951, it became John & Leo's gas station, followed by Ed & Leo's in 1963.

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In 1973 a service garage was added and Sinclair became Arco in 1979.

Whatever the reason, the station closed for good sometime between 1997 and 2000.

Looking around this building, it still retains the old castle turret architecture on the roof of the garage. The original part of the building still has the extended roof covering the former location of the gas pumps.

It sits basically alone along side the railroad track, and is covered with dirt, soot, and graffiti and the 1928 date brick is still intact near the top.

The gallery below includes a few photos of the inside of the garage.

Abandoned 1920s Gas Station, Grand Rapids


Abandoned Gas Station, Northern Michigan

Old Michigan Sinclair Gas Stations

Abandoned Gas Station on US-2, Upper Peninsula