That Winter Blah You’re Feeling Is Real – West Michigan Goes 30+ Days With No Significant Sunshine
Think you've got the winter blahs? Seasonal Affective Disorder is real and many in West Michigan may be in the grips of it as the region has gone more than a month without seeing significant sunshine.
The startling fact was shared in mid-January by the National Weather Service in Grand Rapids which noted that the region had gone a full month without any meaningful sunshine.
Consider the math the NWS does in the post. Grand Rapids has seen just 728 minutes of direct sunshine in the last 30 days. That's exactly 12 hours and 8 minutes of sunshine - or less than a single day's worth in the middle of summer. Yikes.
Commenters on the Facebook post expressed the blah feeling or shared nearby areas that did get some sun.
Just Wow!!! That’s why we are so tough! This is hard to believe, as I swear we’ve seen sun! But I guess you are right; when I see it; I run outside fast….. because it doesn’t last!!!
2 days of sun in sw MI this month. 2nd and 5th.
West Michigan never sees the sun in January. 50/50 chance there might be a day or two in February that we see it.
Still getting it good in Holland
So you may need to run to the drugstore for some Vitamin D, but you won't need sunglasses for the trip.
Whether its snow or cold, wintertime brings more than a sunshine drought. Check out these safety tips for car and home to make it thought the season
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