You hear so many negative stories in the news these days, that I really cherish those little viral moments when we see people getting along and having a good time. One of my favorites as of lately, are the Michigan State Police officers that showed up to Electric Forest for good times (and vibes.)

Michigan State Police officers dancing at a music festival.
It'sMeMisty via TikTok

They must have had such a great time in the forest, that they decided to make it a part of their entire personality. This year, their entry into the American Association of State Troopers (AAST) Best Looking Cruiser Contest is all about Electric Forest.

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The cruiser posed in front of one of Electric Forest's many light displays not only showcases the Michigan State Police's pledge to be a part of the community; but also highlights the cruiser in a fun way. So hey, why not show what Michiganders know how to do best in our photo?

Read More: MSP Officers Were at Total Vibe at Electric Forest Festival

You can vote for the MSP cruiser until the contest ends on this website. Good luck, and may the vibes help them bring home the victory, which is being featured in the 2025 AAST wall calendar.

Oh, and make sure you don't get busted by them breaking any of these bizarre Michigan laws...

Check Out 8 of Michigan's Weirdest Laws

Yes, these laws are actually on the books in Michigan, make sure you don't break them.

Gallery Credit: Laura Hardy