Large bodies of water are important to humans. They sustain our lives, they provide us with entertainment, a place to gather, and they can even be a source of relaxation. But, just because something is good doesn't mean it's not without it's problems.

Big Joe Pesh
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When you think of dangerous places, you probably imagine somewhere exotic with venomous creatures. But, you'd be surprised that one of the most dangerous bodies of water is right in your own backyard.

The website A-Z Animals made a list of the most dangerous lakes on the planet, most of them are in far away places, some of them boil, and others are just full of things you don't want to mess with. But one of those lakes is close to a majority of the state of Michigan

What Michigan lake is considered one of the world's most dangerous?

You may think it's Lake Superior after songs like "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" romanticizing it's choppy, heartless waters. But, you'd be wrong.

The most dangerous Lake in Michigan and one of the most dangerous in the world is... Lake Michigan.

Big waves on Lake Michigan today.
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They say Lake Michigan is so deadly because of it's unforgiving undercurrents. They also added that the geometry of Lake Michigan makes it more likely to have deadly currents, which are only made worse by our manmade piers and docks.

These undercurrents result in deaths and injuries. When rapid and severe fluctuations in air and water temperatures boost the power of the currents and waves, which makes the lake become more fatal in the fall months.

Waves Crash Over Lighthouse on Lake Michigan
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So while you're not likely to get eaten by some awful creature, or catch a rare disease, Lake Michigan has it's own unique sets of things that make it one to be careful around.

LOOK: Lake Michigan Beach Named One of the Best 'Secret' Beaches in U.S.

Northern Michigan's South Manitou Island has been named among the best 20 "secret" beaches in the U.S. by Southern Living Magazine.

Within Sleeping Bear Dune's National Lakeshore, South and North Manitou Island are part of an island chain in Lake Michigan that extends north to the Straits of Mackinac. 

According to the National Park Service, "The island consists of a ridge of tilted layers of limestone, buried under a blanket of glacial debris. It features unique sand dune formations, 10 miles of beaches, and a grove of old growth white cedars that date back over 500 years."

Gallery Credit: Janna

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