As I started writing this article, I stifled a rather massive yawn. The type of yawn where your eyes start watering and all the sound around you seems to fade away. It's probably because I did not get enough sleep last night.

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Man yawning while sitting on a balcony
Photo by Miikka Luotio on Unsplash

It was one of those nights where no matter how much you toss and turn and try flipping to the cold side of your pillow, you just can't get comfortable. Thankfully that only happens here and there, but there is one time I know for a fact I never get good sleep:

The first night of vacation.

Uncomfortable girl in bed
Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Counting Sheep

Whether it's sleeping in a tent after going up North or flying across the country and staying in a hotel, you always run the risk of a restless first night.

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A recent study by Mattress Next Day has found that many Michigan travelers suffer from what they define as the "first night effect", the idea that people struggle to sleep the first night of vacation due to being in an unfamiliar area. The study shows that Michigan ranks 6th in sleep-related stress on vacations.

lose young women's sleep

Sleep expert Martin Seeley explains that this struggle with sleep is caused by the brain being in "protector mode", the brain's natural fight or flight instinct that only allows you to relax when it is positive the area you're in is safe.

How Michiganders Can Guarantee A Good First Night's Sleep While On Vacation

If you're someone who struggles from the "first night effect", try these four expert-recommended tips.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

These 11 Places In Michigan Are Constantly Mispronounced

Whether you're a local or a transplant, plenty of people have trouble pronouncing these Michigan cities/towns/etc. Pronunciations provided by the State of Michigan.

Gallery Credit: Tommy McNeill

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