We Michiganders love a good get together. That being said, there are two kinds of people. Those who throw the party and those who show up to the party. Regardless of which you are, being rude just is not cool. Like not even a little. We also do not use booze as an excuse for being rude. If you are not sure what constitutes being rude, someone put a guidebook together for that.

DZZone NYC x Francine Tint Holiday Party Hosted By American Abstract Artist Peter Reginato
Getty Images for DZZone NYC

According to Huff Post, a bunch of etiquette experts came up with a list of the ten rudest things you can do in someone else's house. They kept it pretty broad. So working that pole in the middle of someone's living room didn't make the list.. Sadly, All of these are fairly common things people do, even if maybe they shouldn't.

1. Moving things around. No one wants their furniture moved around. They have it like that for a reason.

2. Overstaying your welcome. Read the room. No when it is time to exit stage left...or right.

3. Hiding or ignoring a mess. If you make a mess, CLEAN IT UP!

4. Snooping. What's in their house is not your business!

5. Bringing an uninvited plus-one. At least ask. This includes pets.

6. Showing up and THEN telling them about dietary restrictions. Obviously!

7. Feeding their pets from the table. Some people do not want their pets to eat human food.

8. Disrespecting house rules. Don't wear your shoes in their house if no one else is.

9. Showing up empty-handed. Bring something! A nice box of wine will work. Franzia is not just for cooking :)

10. Expecting a tour. There are places people do not want you to see.

Being rude should no longer be an option. Now you know and knowing is half the battle!

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