Have You Heard of or Played “Among Us”?
There's always a new game that everyone is playing and "Among Us" is the new free game that a lot of people are playing on their phone now. If you are wondering what is "Among Us", how do you play? Should I play? I'll help you by telling you a little about this and you can make a decision after.
Let me just start off by saying this game is not for beginners. This game is fast moving but once you get the hang of it, it can be addicting. The basic point of the game is to complete tasks, while on a space ship, and find out who "among us" is the imposter. Before the game starts it will randomly assign you as a "crew member" or an "imposter". The crew members will run around the game board, which is a space ship, trying to complete tasks and figure out who is/are the imposter. The imposter or imposters will also run around the game trying to interrupt and "kill" the crew members before they figure out who the imposter(s) is/are. Depending on how many people are playing your game there will be at least 1 imposter and could be more.
The game starts off with the screen above, where you choose whether you want to play online or local with friends. If you don't want to do that, you can play online as there are over 100 million downloads of this game so there is always a game ready for you to jump in.
Among Us has gathered a huge following because you can play with friends, using the "private" or "Host" tabs below. You can invite friends to play with you, which is probably good if you and your friends are beginners. If you aren't a beginner or want to play more you can play in "public" game lobby and pick your game.
After you pick your game "Among Us" will start by assigning you your role and then the craziness starts. You will be running around trying to complete tasks, which are mostly short mini games. After a minute of doing that you will discuss with the other "crew members" on who is or are the imposters. A quick note is that you are supposed to be silent while playing and during the meeting is when you are allowed to chat with other crew members. This is where the game gets caddy and fun because you are looking for players that aren't completing tasks or trying to ruin other "crew members" tasks because that is a sign they are an imposter.
Then the game continues until the imposters are found or the imposters kill all of the crew members. The games are short and probably a big reason why this game is so popular.
You can see more on how to play below because as you can tell I'm not that good at it.