Game of Thrones ‘Oreos’ Are Coming – For Real
(Video: Radio.com via YouTube)
I was gonna do the whole "you can't spell THRONES without OREOS" thing but then I realized I needed and extra "O". BUT ALAS, Oreos are are coming. Game of Thrones Oreos to be exact.
The cookie maker debuted its version of the iconic “Game of Thrones” title sequence on Tuesday, recreating Westeros in all its cookies-and-cream glory.(WILX)
(Credit: Oreo Cookie via YouTube)
Here's a look at the packaging. And I'm gonna need a couple of these. Cause...I'm a collector. Yeah. That's why.
The cookies are set to appear in stores on April 8.
There are four distinct GOT cookies. One for each of the three remaining houses, plus the White Walkers.
For the House of Stark, the Oreo depicts a direwolf.
For the Lannisters, it’s a lion.
A three-head dragon is on the cookie for the Targaryens.
And the Knight King’s mug is on the White Walkers Oreo. (WILX)
BTW, the final season of #GOT begins on April 14th. There will be only 6 episodes.
(Credit: MovieAccessTrailers via YouTube)
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