Even the best drivers need a little help. No matter how good of a driver you THINK you are, you've gotta be a little more careful this time of year.  Most of us are already distracted by phones and God know's what else when we are behind the wheel. Maybe you resorted to an insurance app to drive safe and get that discount. Good play for some. You got to be careful on the road. The majority of us are in winter, especially when there's snow or ice, but fall in Michigan can make the roads a bit more hazardous.

In the Mitten, it can snow any day now. Besides that, look out for these:

The UK Continues To Enjoy The Autumn Colours
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Wet leaves and rain. Rain obviously makes everything slicker and harder to see, so slow down. Did you know wet leaves can be just as slippery as ice? Some roads are covered in them so be cautious.

Rutting Season In The Deer Park At Dunham Massey
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 Deer. Saw a few of these just chilling in along side the road yesterday. They're most active between Now and January, especially around dusk and dawn. We still have awhile until hunting season so keep an eye out. If you have ever had one hit your car, you know they can do some damage!


Peruvian Gold Mining Rush Brings Social And Environmental Stresses To Amazon
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Time change. The days are getting shorter, so odds are, you spend more time driving in the dark. The setting sun and the dimmer sky can mess with your  eyes. It gets darker faster and more accidents happen at night. Obviously.

Moore, Oklahoma To Commemorate One-Year Anniversary Of Devastating Tornado
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Buses and school kids. It is a good idea to slow down in the morning before school starts, and in the afternoon when you're heading home. Some area have more kids on bikes and walking through cross walks. Coming out of summer, you get in the habit of not seeing them. Side note, when a school bus stops in front of you, DON'T zip around and try to pass it. Never a good idea.

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