Drive on a Real Life Mario Kart Race Track
You can race your friends and drive on a go-kart race track made in the image of the famous Mario Kart racing game, you just have to get there.
The gigantic elevated go-kart track is about to open near Michigan. And when I say near Michigan its actually about a 5 hour drive from Lansing and you'll need a passport. The Mario Kart race track is located in Clifton Hill fun park in Niagara Falls, ON, and it's billed as North America's largest elevated go-kart track. The elevated coaster-style track is 2,000 feet in length.
The racetrack can hold about 36 go-karts at once on this massive track with cars going about 15 mphs. The track is open but still need some finishing touches before it opens on June 1st. You can see a test drive of the track below and if you want to drive on it, be ready to take a drive....to then take another drive.