ALERT: Drinking Water Warning Issued For Michigan Communities
For those who live here in Michigan, you may want to use caution before reaching for that refreshing glass of water.
Unfortunately, for those here in Michigan, we are all too familiar with water that needs to be double checked on before taking a sip.
A New Warning Distributed to Michigan Regarding Drinking Water
It may sound odd, but there have been some recent cyber attacks from Russia and Iran, that have hit water systems. Pennsylvania and Texas are two states that have been hit by attacks.

A new warning has been sent to Michigan and the rest of the country from the Environmental Protection Agency, warning the following:
"...the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued an enforcement alert outlining the urgent cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities to community drinking water systems and the steps these systems need to take to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act. The alert is part of a government-wide effort – led by the National Security Council and the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency – to reduce the nation’s infrastructure and cybersecurity vulnerabilities. EPA is issuing this alert because threats to, and attacks on, the nation’s water system have increased in frequency and severity to a point where additional action is critical. - EPA"
On top of the warning, it was noted that 70% of the water systems across the country, did not comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act.
That piece of information is a little scary that Michigan could be in harms way. It's also scary to see that most of country didn't comply with the safe drinking water act.