7 Of The Deadliest Animals On Earth Live Here in Michigan
You don't have to go far to find beauty here in Michigan. But, with beauty, also comes some not so pretty aspects.
There are some things here in the state of Michigan, that got classified as the most deadliest animals
The Seven Deadliest Animals in Michigan
Satista released a study on the deadliest animals in the world, that cause the most deaths to humans.
The list contains 15 different animals and creatures, seven of which live here in the state of Michigan. We've compiled the top 7 of those here on the list for you, that you should watch out for.

Take a look at the top 4 that made the list for us here in Michigan.
4.) Freshwater Snails
Freshwater snails can be dangerous because they often carry parasitic flatworms called Schistosoma, which can cause a debilitating disease known as schistosomiasis in humans. These parasites can penetrate the skin and cause severe health issues, including fever, fatigue, and even organ damage.
3.) Dogs
Dogs can be dangerous because they can transmit rabies, a deadly disease, to humans. Snails can be dangerous because they often carry parasitic flatworms that can cause schistosomiasis, a debilitating illness.
2.) Snakes
Snakes are dangerous because some species possess venom that can cause serious harm or death if they bite humans.
1.) Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are dangerous because they transmit deadly diseases like malaria, causing millions of deaths worldwide each year.
There were a couple of other animals that also made the list, such as Tape Worms, Deer, and Bees. Can you believe the statistics?