Colder & Wetter Weekend But Still Plenty of Lansing-Area Events
If you wanna enjoy some great beer while enjoying great music and art, this weekend the Lansing-Area has a few events that have all three.
The Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum’s Friday night hang out. The museum’s galleries will be open. There will be activities, appetizers and a cash bar. Admission is free.
Four venues in REO Town will be open Friday and Saturday, offering art, beer and music. Now in its third year, the Art and Craft Beerfest is held during the mid-winter break between other area beerfests.
Another event taking place on Saturday is the BAD Brew Bourrrbon Winterfest hosted by BAD Brewing company in Mason. For more on these events check it out here from the Lansing State Journal.
Also still recurring at the Abrams Planetarium is "Ice World", it continues till April, but get more details here.