Big Job Fair This Week in Healthcare
Healthcare is always an important career path to take but now with coronavirus still around it is more important. One of the biggest healthcare companies in our area and state, Sparrow, has been battling coronavirus for the last few months, and they are looking for more people to help and serve in their facilities.
The Sparrow job fair will be happening this Tuesday and Wednesday, July 21st and 22nd from 7:30AM to 1PM at Sparrow Physicians Health Plan’s parking lot, 1400 E. Michigan Ave. You must wear a mask! Also bring your resume and be ready for an interview as well.
Some of the jobs offered at this fair are: phlebotomists, environmental services technicians, food and nutrition, and security entrance coordinator. You do have to sign up and register for the event, and if you are interested you should do so before Tuesday. You can sign up here.