Best in State in America? Michigan #1 Again
Thrillist has done another ranking on U.S States, but this time they ranked them based on EVERYTHING, and not to brag but Michigan is #1. Thrillist did the rankings based on everything and said, "so think inventions, food/drink, somewhat productive famous people, unique physical beauty, etc."
Michigan was ranked #1 just beating out Maine, which is becoming a new favorite among people. There are many reasons for Michigan being #1 such as having the most coastline of any state, or how beautiful and interesting the U.P is, and also that we have tons of different beers, ciders, and wines here.
In case you wanted to know who else made the Top 5 besides Michigan, #2 Maine, #3 Kentucky, #4 Wisconsin, and #5 Louisiana. Also in case you needed to know thew worst state on everything according to Thrillist its Florida. So while its 70 in Florida we are enjoying our 30 degree weather in wonderful amazing Michigan.
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