Beautiful Flowering Dogwood Trees Mean Spring Is Here In Michigan
I don't know about you but it takes a minute to convince me that spring has ACTUALLY arrived in Michigan.

I know the date was a little while back (Saturday, March 20th) but something about this state won't let you fully accept it. There's always something lurking in the back of your mind that we still have one more good snowfall left in us. Even if it won't stick, it'll happen just so Michigan's Mother Nature can show us who's boss and get one more good jab in before winter fully lets go.
There's a Prince song for such an occasion.
As a matter of fact (according to the forecast) Thursday, April 15th, there's a chance of snow and rain showers.
What'd I tell you?
But there are subtle signs that spring is here and eventually will stay. After Thursday. And one of them for me are these.
I love seeing these beautiful, white, pillowy, flowering dogwood trees.
There are two of them on either side of the street headed into my housing area. And truth be told you can find them everywhere.
I saw a bunch of them at Kohl's in Okemos in the parking lot.
Now of course the flowers once they fall off can be a pain for your car. And they are a slight allergen.
But come on...right about now, they are beautiful.
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