10-Year-Old Michigan Boy Charged With Assault After Playing Dodge Ball
UPDATED: Assault charges dropped against a 10-year-old Canton Township boy.
This playground incident happened back in April of 2019. However, the family just got word that Wayne County is charging the 10-year-old boy in juvenile court.
The mother of the victim in this case not only stated that she did not mean for this to go this far but also, her son is still friends with the accused. However, she is the one that reported the incident to the police.
According to WXYZ.com,
Reports state that once the game was over, it is alleged that the 10-year-old took the ball and intentionally threw it with force, causing the 9-year-old to suffer a concussion and cuts to his face.
If a student takes a dodge ball game too far and hurts another student, maybe he should be reprimanded by the school. Here we have two friends that involved in that situation. This is a case where a good kid can be set on a bad path by unnecessarily giving him a criminal record at the age of 10.
We can do better than this Michigan.