10 Spring Cleaning Chores Only Midwesterners Have To Do
If you are like me, a Michigan-made, proud Midwesterner who struggles with motivation in the winter time, your home and (let's be real here) your life may be in need of a deep "spring cleaning."

The Biggest Spring Cleaning Struggle is Motivation to Actually Do It
I've always had a love/hate relationship with spring cleaning growing up.
On one hand, I absolutely loved having all the windows open and the fresh, Michigan spring air rolling in paired with the smell of my mom's lemony fresh Pledge spray as she cleaned any and every surface with it. On the other hand, I hated the fact that it was finally nice enough to play outside all day but had to help clean first.
Now, though, this spring weather and endless new opportunities in the air has me more pumped and motivated than ever...but I do need to turn that motivation into actually doing the thing. "The thing" specifically being my house and my car because, man, are those two things, admittedly, a dang pig stye.
In my defense, I had been in a bit of a seasonally-depressed funk for a few and my boyfriend who I live with just bought a house and has been spending all of his free time renovating that.
Does the Midwest Have the Same Spring Cleaning Checklist as Other Regions?
Despite my excuses, it is time to get serious and really get down and dirty with the spring cleaning. However, looking at my to-do list did get to thinking, "Does my family in Texas has the same 'spring cleaning checklist' as me? What about California? Tennessee?"
Then I realized, there is probably NO WAY.
Considering all the snow, ice and overall constant changes in the weather we have here in the Midwest, there are plenty of things only we have to do when it comes to spring cleaning.
Here's a few chores you may already do or should consider adding:
10 Spring Cleaning Chores Only Midwesterners Have To Do
I hope this helped either serve as inspiration for you to get up and get cleaning or at least reminds you of some things you may have otherwise forgotten about!
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