The Michigan ghost town of Hagensville is located out in the middle of the isolated Michigan countryside, all by itself, in Presque Isle County. The Hagensville population isn't known because the census obviously didn't think the town was worthy enough to count the residents.

Very uncool of the census, because Hagensville is an historic Michigan town and and excellent place to stop for a few photo ops.

In the late 1800's-early 1900's, Hagensville boasted three general stores, post office, blacksmith, saw & shingle mill, school, farm implement store and a flour mill. Fortunately for all us Michigan explorers, one of these classic old buildings still stands (SEE PHOTOS).

The building in the photos looks like it could've been a hotel...or general store...or livery stable...or blacksmith shop...or a combination of a couple of 'em. Either way, add this stop to your Michigan roadtrip; it's always good to get photo ops of historic Michigan places like this, before some corporate punk who doesn't care squat about our state history decides to bulldoze...ya never know.

What's left of Hagensville is located at the intersection of E. Co. Rd 638 and County Road 441, about six mile south of Rogers City. VISIT SOON.


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