Are you ready to play some Disc Golf....on an actual course, cause it will be a reality soon in Jackson. As the Ella Sharp Park Disc Golf Course, 2800 Fourth St. next to the traditional golf course, isn't officially open yet, but will be soon. If you don't know what Disc Golf is, its basically golf but instead of hitting a ball you are throwing your disc or Frisbee through the course until you reach end which is a mesh net to catch your Frisbee. Disc Golf is popular is a lot places around the country and there is even some other Disc Golf courses around the country, usually attached to an actual Golf Course like this one in Jackson.

According to the Jackson Parks Recreation, Grounds and Cemeteries director, the Disc Golf course will be open in October. But just because it isn't open yet doesn't mean that any one hasn't tried it yet. Check out some video below from MLive, as some people try the new course.

Jackson has been exploring and researching the idea of a disc golf course as early as 2013. The plans for the course was delayed due to land not being cleared, but after a donation from Kiwanis Club in Jackson this was able to be done.


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